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We are a hub for the local community through our Community Centre activities, Children’s Nursery, and Community Grocery, and we will develop environmental sustainability knowing the financial and fuel poverty challenges faced by the local community. 

Situated in a deprived area, our local community faces significant issues such as energy and food poverty. 

Our Environmental Policy is designed to promote sustainability and help local residents to lead more environmentally conscious and energy-efficient lives. 

We are committed to reducing our environmental impact while ensuring that our approach is inclusive, practical, and beneficial for everyone.

1. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

We aim to reduce our energy consumption across all activities and support residents suffering  the effects of energy poverty. Our key actions include:

  • Energy Audits: Conduct regular energy audits of the Centre and activities to identify inefficiencies and upgrade insulation, windows, and heating systems where necessary.
  • Energy-Saving Technologies: Invest in energy-efficient lighting (e.g., LED), smart thermostats, and appliances. We will also explore renewable energy options such as solar panels for long-term savings.
  • Community Education: Provide workshops and materials to residents on low-cost energy-saving tips, smart meter usage, and government assistance schemes for insulation and energy-efficient appliances.

2. Sustainable Resource Management

Minimizing waste and optimizing resource use is a priority for the Centre, Nursery, and Grocery. Our steps include:

  • Waste Reduction: Implement recycling stations throughout the Centre and promote a zero-waste mindset. We will also work with suppliers to reduce packaging and encourage the use of recyclable and compostable materials.
  • Food Waste: The Community Grocery will collaborate with local food providers and surplus food schemes to reduce food waste, distributing surplus to residents in need. We will also offer workshops on reducing food waste at home.
  • Water Conservation: Introduce water-saving technologies such as low-flow taps and rainwater harvesting systems where possible, as well as community awareness on conserving water in daily life.

3. Green Spaces and Local Environment

Access to green spaces is vital for well-being, in Higher Folds area. We will focus on:

  • Nature-Based Learning: Incorporate environmental education into the Children’s Nursery curriculum, including outdoor Forest School-style activities that teach children about nature, sustainability, and biodiversity.
  • Environmental Volunteer Programs: Engage residents in local conservation projects such as Wigan Council led litter picks.

4. Community Empowerment and Collaboration

Our environmental policy is most effective when it involves and empowers the local community. We will:

  • Energy Advice and Advocacy: Offer ongoing support for residents to access energy grants, insulation programs, and other government or charity-led energy poverty initiatives.
  • Sustainable Living Programs: Run workshops and campaigns on topics such as upcycling, sustainable shopping, and reducing carbon footprints at home.
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with Wigan council, energy providers, environmental groups, and other charities to secure funding and resources for larger community-wide sustainability projects.

5. Future Goals and Monitoring

To ensure continued progress, we will:

  • Regularly Review: Conduct an annual review of our environmental initiatives, setting measurable goals and adjusting our strategy based on community feedback and environmental developments.
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction: Aim to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of our operations by 2030, aligning with national targets for emissions reductions.
  • Long-Term Energy Independence: Explore the feasibility of making the Community Centre energy-independent through renewable energy sources, such as installing solar panels and storage batteries, with the aim of setting an example for the local community and other community organisations.


At Higher Folds Community Centre, we understand that sustainability is a necessity, especially beneficial for those living in energy poverty. 

Our environmental policy is rooted in practicality, inclusivity, and community empowerment. By taking action now, we aim to create a greener, more resilient future for our Centre, and the Higher Folds community.